Steve Winnick is a 1972 graduate of the State University of New York at Stony Brook where he was valedictorian of the Political Science Department. He graduated Boston University School of Law in 1975, and after passing the Massachusetts and Florida bars in December, 1975, he hung out a shingle concentrating in civil and criminal litigation; in particular, complex personal injury litigation including medical malpractice, products liability and wrongful death. In addition to litigation Steve’s practice includes a wide array of general practice matters and transactions including real estate and zoning; divorce and other domestic relations; trusts & estates; contracts; business planning; land use development; and environmental law. As an elected member and chairman of the Planning Board of Watertown, Massachusetts he developed specialized knowledge in zoning and municipal law.
Steve is a member of the state bars of Massachusetts and Florida; the federal bars of the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts and Southern District of Florida, and the U.S. Claims Court. Appellate cases he has handled have created new precedent in multiple jurisdictions including Massachusetts and Maine. See e.g., Vicarro v. Milunsky, 406 Mass. 777 (1990) (the landmark Massachusetts decision recognizing a right to recover for “wrongful birth” arising from negligent genetic counseling); and Ouellette v. Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc., 466 A.2d 478 (Me. 1983) (a product liability case brought in the federal district court of Maine on behalf of a Massachusetts resident severely injured in Maine by an accidental gun discharge. The precedent-setting decision of Maine law is the subject of a Maine law review article and is cited nationwide in product liability actions involving the effects of borrowing statutes and long-arm jurisdiction on applicable statutes of limitation).
Steve has recently developed a computerized case management tool for lawyers called Summary Judgment™. Click here for more information about Summary Judgment™ or visit the Summary Judgment website: www.summjudg.com.
Rob Sullivan was born and raised in Brookline MA where he attended Brookline High School. He received his B.S. from the University of Vermont and his J.D. with honors from Suffolk Law School in 1988. Rob is a member of the state bar of Massachusetts and the federal bar of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. Rob represents individuals, families and businesses in a wide range of real estate purchase and sale and lending transactions, including local lenders (Cambridge Trust Company and Belmont Savings Bank) as lender's counsel in residential and commercial mortgage transactions. Rob also handles a variety of general practice matters including estate planning, commercial leasing transactions, business law and civil litigation.
Tom Allen is the Office Manager of Winnick & Sullivan. Tom is a U.S. Marine veteran and brings the Marine Corp’s ethos and commitment - Semper Fi (“Always Faithful”) - to the challenging task of running our day- to-day office operations. In addition to serving as our Office Manager Tom is an integral attorney of the firm. Before his admission to the Massachusetts bar in 1992, Tom was a construction contractor and developer; and he brings practical experience to several of our legal practice areas, in particular real estate, conveyancing, zoning and construction litigation.
Nancy Kay is the Financial Controller of Winnick & Sullivan. She is responsible for our financial record-keeping, reporting and internal controls. Nancy received her M.B.A. degree from Simmons College in 1991. Her work experience includes business manager for a wholesale specialty packaging company; vice-president of marketing for a New York direct mail firm; and twenty years as director of sales for the Boston Symphony Orchestra.